Power Plant happened.
That was the worst nuclear power plant accident in the history.
As a result of an accident, a radioactivity discharge occurred which included isotopes of
uranium, plutonium, iodine-131.
Iodine-131 is a radioactive nuclide of iodine. In addition, it is one of the main products of
uranium and plutonium fission. It is the main contaminating radioactive component. Iodine-
131 causes mutation and death of cells it enters.
Clouds containing these radioactive materials have spread over most of Europe.
About 60% of the radioactive fall-out landed in Belarus.
Heavy, black-colored rain fell on the city of Gomel, Belarus.
The work is a visual image of the radioactive rain.
Glass tin from under the iodine solution is like a semantic equivalent of the chemical
element iodine.
131 glass tin from under the iodine solution is like as the total number of nucleons in the
core of Iodine-131.
Each tin emits weak "radioactive" glow.
Eight metal guides is the number of days of Iodine-131 half-decay.
The viewer interacts with the installation, while passing through "8-day of iodine-131 half-
decay," by receiving a conditional dose of radioiodine.
iodine-131 / black rain
2.5 × 2 × 1.9 m
glass tins, metal construction, LED lights, wire, lighting controller,
the sounds of a Geiger counter